速報APP / 生活品味 / Life hacks, tricks and tips for daily us

Life hacks, tricks and tips for daily us



檔案大小:39.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Life hacks, tricks and tips for daily use(圖1)-速報App

Want to solve something in life but you can't find a solution?

Well, the solution is to download this app!

It's interesting and unusual! There are only the most effective ideas.

A good collection of interesting and unusual useful tips and trick that can help you in day-to-day life hacks and life tips.

“Want to keep the potatoes fresh, just put an apple along” - simple tips and tricks that not only solves the problems, but also saves your time and money.

“Life Hacks, tips and tricks” provides you the most amazing tips and tricks for daily life with its unique feature, get notified with one every day.

Love the hack...want to share with friends...it's easy. Just one tap and this application will allow you to share on all the social media including Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and all others.

The unique features of the application are:

Life hacks, tricks and tips for daily use(圖2)-速報App

• Share it to your friends via WhatsApp Facebook, Google+,Twitter etc..

• Quick, easy to use

• 900+ of unique life hacks

• Simple DIY tricks and hacks to help with everyday life.

• Always find a new life hacks every day,

• Categories for everyone and every situation

• Use “Favorite” to create your own collection

The category list of the application includes:

Life hacks, tricks and tips for daily use(圖3)-速報App

• Bathroom

• For Child

• Computer

• Cooking

• Beauty

• Health

• Home

• Kitchen

Life hacks, tricks and tips for daily use(圖4)-速報App

• Study

• Mobile

• Others

Life hacks, tricks and tips for daily use(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad